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ATS Resume Checker

Energize your recruitment with our ATS Resume Checker! Like a bot with superhero powers, it swiftly filters through job applications, zeroing in on ideal candidates for your business. Enjoy tailored recommendations, a handy scoring system, and a dash of extras to simplify your hiring. Embrace your new recruitment ally, making resume sorting a breeze!

ATS Resume Checker

Energize your recruitment with our ATS Resume Checker! Like a bot with superhero powers, it swiftly filters through job applications, zeroing in on ideal candidates for your business. Enjoy tailored recommendations, a handy scoring system, and a dash of extras to simplify your hiring. Embrace your new recruitment ally, making resume sorting a breeze!

Assembly manual:

Meet your new robotic minion, powered by – the magical, no-coding-required realm where apps come together for a massive party. We’re throwing in a clone-ready bot blueprint plus a foolproof, follow-the-breadcrumbs setup manual. Just a few hops, skips, and clicks, and voilà, your bot springs to life!

Locked content, entry pass needed!

Eager to dive into the bot setup saga? You’re just a purchase away from unlocking the vault of knowledge. Secure your pass, and step into the world of bot wizardry!

Make hiring a breeze!

Revolutionize Your Hiring

Transform your recruitment with our ATS Resume Checker bot. Dive into job applications with precision, gaining sharp insights on who fits the bill. With our savvy recommendation and scoring systems at your disposal, navigating hiring decisions has never been smoother.

Speedy Candidate Sifting

Cut through the clutter of applications with ease. Our cutting-edge tool delivers in-depth evaluations, tailoring its insights to match your business’s unique needs. Spot top talent in no time and streamline your selection process like a pro.

Smart Screening Magic

Boost your hiring game with our smart ATS Resume Checker bot. Armed with a robust recommendation and scoring framework, it’s your secret weapon for sophisticated applicant screening, ensuring you only zero in on the cream of the crop.

Become besties with your daily gadgets!

This cutting-edge AI bot taps into the power of Google Docs and Gmail to seamlessly gather and dissect CVs for evaluation. It churns through CV information with its AI-driven recommendation engine, delivering polished insights and recommendations right where you need them—in Google Docs.

Dive into detailed CV analysis to gauge fit for your business objectives. With evaluations, ratings, and additional insights laid out in Google Docs, making informed decisions just got a whole lot easier.

Here’s the game plan:
Read from Google Docs/Gmail CV → Analyze → Get a Recommendation From an AI → Read the analysis on Google Docs

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Stop trying to figure out the right prompt. Frendo’s got your back!

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$ 19.99

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$ 19.99

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Get all the prompts, bots and extras! No gatekeeping for you BFF.

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$ 31.99

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Stop trying to figure out the right prompt. Frendo’s got your back!

$ 24.99

per month


Use Frendos to automate any task! Don’t worry about manual work, ever.

$ 24.99

per month


Get all the prompts, bots and extras! No gatekeeping for you BFF.

$ 39.99

per month

